Hey there, so I have had this drone built for me a while ago and everything has been going great, I have replaced 1 motor and done a little in beta flight and the video feed is not working...I have gone back and resoldered all the wires and nothing has changed, yes I am on the right channel...basically, all I get is mad fuzz however the goggles do seem to be connecting to the VTX, just no video...see the link for photos...the build I received is a very old style build which confuses me a bit... https://photos.google.com/share/AF1...?key=N01PNll4MURkR1N3N2VUNFYycXgyZFhFa1FtcUd3
I am very new to this...maybe a noob suggestion but my camera does not have osd wires, and an enabled osd in betaflight cause I don't know what I'm doing...could that be the problem?
I am very new to this...maybe a noob suggestion but my camera does not have osd wires, and an enabled osd in betaflight cause I don't know what I'm doing...could that be the problem?