Spoon Dronetography - Owner/Operator
......and it was for a good reason!! I had posted a video of the Carolina Field of Honor, a local veteran's memorial, and the local Parks and Rec decided to put it on their website. That caught the attention of the local newspaper and they reached out to me about doing an interview. I agreed and it actually went well. The typical "can you spy" and "are they creepy" came up. I explained that its not as possible as people think and they are quite loud so it takes away the stealth aspect of it. She was actually very pro-aerial imagery so it was pretty cool. She wrote up and awesome article though and even sent people over to my website and YouTube channel, and told people to subscribe for more! It was really cool, check out my site and YouTube below for me. They even mentioned me possibly shooting some aerial shots for them once my 333 Exemption comes through in the next few weeks, as I have been waiting awhile.
YouTube: Spoon Dronetography
Website: Spoon Dronetography - I even made a new trailer for my website with some newer video I have shot.
YouTube: Spoon Dronetography
Website: Spoon Dronetography - I even made a new trailer for my website with some newer video I have shot.