Back in business. Got the motors today replaced the bad motor, cleaned the gears, lubed up the bushings. Flys great now. I put some lube on the shafts of the gears as well.
Found the Liquid Wrench Dry Lube for $4.19
Ordered 17th arrived 23rd, was sent by Grainger. Looks like the packaging cost $2.
What Really Kills This Motor. When searching for small DC brushed motors in this class there are only 2 to pick from. The 8.5mm round & the ones with flattened sides. Both are rated at 6 volts max & were designed in pre Li-Po days for Ni-Cads. The 8.5 x 20mm motors in the H8C & D have microscopic reed brushes which are split in half leaving two hairs running on a pentagon shaped commutator at up to 14,000 rpm. What really kills them is any power at all when they are locked rotor. Those 2 hair sitting on a point of the commutator last milliseconds.
If you want to save the motors you have to be at 0 throttle the moment you even think you're gonna crash. And in general can’t give any throttle unless you are sure all props are 100% free to spin. And don't slam them to 100% on takeoff. The prop guards help a little with ground but not with bushes & trees.
The H8D transmitters have a big DOA faulty chip problem. Mine was DOA with starting in mode 2 then short when video button pressed.
Got a $45 refund from seller which was enough to get another transmitter & parts to make a second H8D in Orange & White minus the receiver. I ordered a V666N receiver for it. I find that 55% pitch is the max for sustainable altitude at full throttle with ball bearings doused with Liquid Wrench dry lube, camera & no guards.