I'm with Jackson on this one. Whenever I catch wind of a new quadcopter, the first thing I look for is the availability of spare parts. If I can't replace motors, props, gears, etc. then I don't even consider it. Otherwise you've got a quadcopter that is useless the first time something goes wrong, or you crash and break something no matter how minor. You don't have to be a "serious RC mechanic" to want to fix your quadcopter when needed. Fly them enough, and they will all need something replaced, and that's a 100% guarantee.
And just because they're cheap doesn't mean they're disposable. People keep their Syma X5s in the air through hundreds and hundreds of flights, for example, but that's only because there's a rich supply of parts available. Otherwise what are you going to do, just fly it until your first motor fails or you damage a gear, and then just throw it away? They sell parts for these things because they are meant to be repaired. It's also why the bodies on all of them come apart, with screws.