I have been flying one for about a month on my hex, and have been really happy with it. I have been thinking about selling one of my V2s and ordering another tarot fc for my 500.
It has been stated that the Tarot is between a naza wookong and a Naza A2.
Here are some of the pros and cons that I could think of. I would to see if any other members are running one and what they think.
It holds position better than my nana lite and V2.
It locks sats quicker than the lite.
Faster flight in Atti
Yaw is more stable
Have not heard of any flyways yet
12 volt out from the pmu
much smoother when flying in gps mode.
Can change the return to home height (naza is 20 meters and you cannot change it)
V2 gps lock is much quicker
nazas have higher quality cables