Well-Known Member
Hello all So I'm looking at building this quad(x650f) and I need some help deciding on a flight controller. Now I know alot of you guys are gurus with this stuff, and I'm not, so I ask you be a bit easy describing the terminology thanks. I was thinking of maybe putting in a gps failsafe but if that proved too difficult maybe an audible alarm. So you know a bit about me: I have a fpv 250 which is just insane speed wise but I'm looking for a larger quad that I can do whatever with. I'm looking to build a quad over the next few weeks and I want to include some of the bells and whistles my 250 doesn't have. All I have is the frame so far so anything is possible. I'll add that I'm running a Radiolink at9 so you know. I'd appreciate any input, and thanks for your time in responding.