But not new to quads. I’ve built my own, it was very light, very basic, and had about a 10 minute flight time on 28xx motors. i used eCalc to get everything as right as possible on a tight budget. Well now I’ve done a deal and ended up with a beast of a drone...740mm diagonal X quad, cobra 4130 540kv motors, 60a ECSs, 13x4.5 gemfans, a very nice (?) x-cam gimbal, a naza v2 fc, and a carbon fiber frame (no idea of the manufacture). the guy that I got it from acquired it in a lot from an estate sale and had zero knowledge or desire to gain knowledge related to drones. I got it for the equivalent of < $400. I’ve plugged everything into eCalc to find the right batteries, and, well, whoever built it knew what they were doing. It has about a 12 lb all up weight, a 6 lb additional lift capacity, operating at about 90% efficiency, max and hover. I already have a flysky tx and rx.
so now I’m here to ramp up my learning curve and get into FPV and aerial photography. Which includes wiring up the gimbal as it currently not connected but it is evident where it plugs to, but I want to know why it plugs where it does so it makes sense.
but anyway, hi. I’m new here. And this is what I’m trying to do here.
so now I’m here to ramp up my learning curve and get into FPV and aerial photography. Which includes wiring up the gimbal as it currently not connected but it is evident where it plugs to, but I want to know why it plugs where it does so it makes sense.
but anyway, hi. I’m new here. And this is what I’m trying to do here.
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