Hi. Ok so i am completely new here and have read a TON of information these drone clones. So basically im down to a few questions and if I could get these cleared up i can get down to ordering the parts need for my first build. Any input is welcome!
1. If i were to use carbon fiber as the frame, would i have to insulate the motherboard from the frame as to prevemt conductivity? Is there anyway to ground it? Or should i just use it for the wings(the arms that extend out to the motors and props. Ive seen the higher end quads using carbon fiber but how do they go about using the material?
2. I plan on making a hexcopter most likely due to the reliability and other raisins. I want to buy the cc3d(if its a typo forgive me!) FCB for its good reviews and because its inexpensive. What is the difference between the cc3d and something like a qx800 watera FCB? Of all the reading ive done i cant recall finding the difference that makes one more expensive than the other.
3. This question is one thats killing me and ive searched for everywhere. Could i use qx800 motors with any FCB? (fligh contrl board) or a kk2.1 board? Or are more pricey motors picky on what FCB's they work with? A more relatable question would be, can i use expensive parts with cheaper parts when building a quadcopter!hexcopter? Provided the voltage is adjusted to power accordingly right?
You dont have to answer each question! Sorry for the long list of stuff. I hope this clears things up for newbies like me. Thanks for your time guys
1. If i were to use carbon fiber as the frame, would i have to insulate the motherboard from the frame as to prevemt conductivity? Is there anyway to ground it? Or should i just use it for the wings(the arms that extend out to the motors and props. Ive seen the higher end quads using carbon fiber but how do they go about using the material?
2. I plan on making a hexcopter most likely due to the reliability and other raisins. I want to buy the cc3d(if its a typo forgive me!) FCB for its good reviews and because its inexpensive. What is the difference between the cc3d and something like a qx800 watera FCB? Of all the reading ive done i cant recall finding the difference that makes one more expensive than the other.
3. This question is one thats killing me and ive searched for everywhere. Could i use qx800 motors with any FCB? (fligh contrl board) or a kk2.1 board? Or are more pricey motors picky on what FCB's they work with? A more relatable question would be, can i use expensive parts with cheaper parts when building a quadcopter!hexcopter? Provided the voltage is adjusted to power accordingly right?
You dont have to answer each question! Sorry for the long list of stuff. I hope this clears things up for newbies like me. Thanks for your time guys