We finally have just about everything to rebuild, and we're doing two copters. We're rebuilding with the QAV500 frame, 10 inch props, 4s, slow fly motors, etc. etc.
Then we're doing a more simple 450mm frame (DJI Flamewheel type), 1200kv motors, 8 inch props, 3s, etc. Pictures will be up soon. Everything is in for the QAV500 and it's being built now. Still waiting on some things from RC Timer for the smaller copter.
Both will use OP CC3D boards. We fought to get our hands on them before, but by the looks of things, they're now readily available on the OP site and the price is lower. Hopefully Revo stays in stock too once they get those produced!
Also grabbed replacement shafts and bearings for some of our crashed motors, so going to rebuild those guys and maybe build a cheap tricopter to mess around with if time permits.