eachne ex 4 wifi to phone connect at 2.4 ghz or 5ghz? Phone connects to controller and controller relays 5 ghz to drone. My other sg906 pro connects at 5 gig.My ex4 wifi to phone is 2.4 ghz..Is that correct?
To my understanding.......
Your EX4 controller is using 2.4g wifi to control the drone.
Your EX4 drone camera is using 5g wifi to connect to your phone.
To my understanding.......
Your EX4 controller is using 2.4g wifi to control the drone.
Your EX4 drone camera is using 5g wifi to connect to your phone.
Here is how it works...wifi to phone..(2.4g)phone to controller./.controller t0 drone(5g) (controller relays phone app to drone)I guess that is clear as mud.(See Quadcopter101 review of this drone..He makes it much clearer..THANKS for your reply (eachine ex4) ABOUT 5 1/2 Minutes into video)