Yah I'd guess it can't hurt to try but might be kind of a waste since motors aren't "too expensive" a new BLDC motor like the Turnigy SK3 6374 is pretty close to this size wise and at least specs wise you'll get way more oomf out of it with an appropriate speed controller (VESC or O-Drive are some good open source options for wheeled vehicles can control max current, braking current, low voltage cut off and accept a wide range of control inputs). I bounce between this forum and the esk8.news forum when bored
Where people discuss everything about riding and building electric skateboards. Join us to share your experiences and ask us anything.
Guy dexter here sells pretty good stuff and is fairly on top of customer service (for a small/medium business):
Buy a DIY Electric Skateboard Parts & Build The Most Powerful High Performance Electric Skateboard Kits 30+ mph. Based on the TORQUEBOARDS System it is a Modular and Flexible Electric Skateboard System/Platform.
I also recently stumbled on this video that while a bit dry is really super informative on how various "AC"/Induction/Mixed Permanent Magnet electric motors work: