Amen to the gentlemen above. While my more serious Quads are all Brushless, it's very hard to find super compact foldable camera brushless motor quads (Spark like) that you can take on trips for some scenery videos, that aren't in the $600 range. (I'm not cool with losing an expensive camera quad in "unknown territory") Some of these <$200 1080p Brushed camera quads are actually damn nice with excellent video quality so living with 6 to 8 hours life spans for the coreless brushed motors is something you accept and live with. So I only pick from this class of Quads that: 1) have some very good acclaim from other owners, and 2) I can buy spare motors to swap out myself. The better Brushed camera quads are Coreless, use standardized spec motors you can find easily to buy and lastly are "plug(in) and fly" (use micro connectors, not soldered in) so bringing with nothing more a set of jeweler interchangeable screw/hex bit drivers is all I need to pack.