Here's a caution - Just bought a Syma triple Charger for charging the push-fit batteries on the Syma X5UW - I also bought three batteries from a different supplier. Alarmingly, they won't actually fit into the charger's recesses more than about 1/4 of an inch ! - They are so tight, you can hardly even get them started in the opening. The charger came in a Syma-printed carton and was advertised as genuine so we can be pretty certain it's pukka. However, the batteries, which normally sell for around £ 7.00 or more each, were cheap and advertised as "Compatible with Syma". Well, they aren't exactly compatible. Electrically, there's no issue but I'm amazed that the makers of this obviously counterfeit battery can't get right something so simple..... the SIZE of the battery. I sanded the two narrowest faces of the batteries a fraction, then smeared a bit of silicone lubricant on the surfaces. They now fit the charger perfectly.
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