Well-Known Member
Agree with 99% of what you said but over discharging then charging a lithium cell is also dangerous and just driving the voltage down over that cliff in the discharge charts will render the cell unusable and if you were to charge it could start a fire. Balance leads typically have the cells wired in order with GND at one end and a balance lead going between each cell in the series set so typically read full cell voltage going from one end of the plug to the other and keeping the GND probe hooked to the GND pin. If you don't know what you are doing yet with these cells then stick to the stock charger once you have a better grip on the limits and what internal resistance is and are willing to monitor and or wrap things up while charging then can use whatever charger assuming you know how to set the current limits and other settings properly. There's no reason to stick with a crappy stock charger though when there are better more feature rich ones available for a price.