I have the B5w, which is the non foldable version.
I did have to buy a new phone. I was able to go to Walmart and get a cheap galaxy j7 crown from straight talk for less than $100 usd. It is 5g wifi. You can also get a android tablet with 5g wifi for $50 usd. Probably less if you search around the web. There is a video on youtube of a guy using a tablet mount for a Mavic and it fits right on the stock mounting arm ball with out modification.
Be advised it is a confusing thing because they are also releasing 5G cellular. So if you talk to an associate r sales person and tell them you are looking for a 5g wifi phone. They automatically think that you are looking for a 5g cellular phone and they get stuck on that. They will try to sale you a $1000 usd I phone XV (15) "or what ever the newest one is". I'm sure it is also 5g wifi as well and will also work. They dont understand the difference between 5g cellular and 5g wifi. Several phones are 5g wifi but only the top end and newest ones are 5g cellular. We dont even have 5g cellular towers here yet. Itll probably be another year or more before they update the towers here. No way I'm buying a 5g cellular phone now. There will be newer cheaper ones available when we finally get the service available to us. If I was an iPhone users they will probably be on iphone XXi (21) with a 16 lens fiber optic camera by then. Lol
Almost every drone I looked at before deciding on the Bugs 5w, 95% of them were operating in 5g wifi stream. You can postpone but that is where the industry seems to be going. The only complaint I have with it. While it is faster and smoother video stream, it also dont go as far. I lose video stream at about 500 meters and my controller still has 75% signal. I could easily push 1000 meters but I cant see what it's doing.
There are cheap antennas you can buy and add to the drone for like $20usd on banggood. But does require modification.
I hope this helps with your decision.