As much as I like multirotors, I actually think this is a better idea.
They'll like knocking those Amazon delivery drones out of the air even more =)Thieves and kids would love these lol.
Hahaha, yes I have been wanting to build one for a while now, but have not had the time to fly let alone build hahaha.I would love to see boards & frames for this style of quad in the hobby market! Would be super interesting to build.
I could think of a way to get an Arduino switch between quad and airplane (the airplane would pass through, and the quad mode would use FC for stabilization), but as far as I know you'd have to the custom motor layout yourself.Are there any boards on the hobby market that support that configuration?
This looks nice:
This other guy did a whole college robotics project on VTOL's back in 2005. Interesting:
I should stick with quads though. I only have so much time =)