The DJI p3 standard is great for beginners, I have had one for just over 2 months and its very easy to fly however as cliché as it is I highly recommend you buy a cheap micro first to practice flying with as if something goes wrong with the DJIs GPS or compass and it goes into atti it is much trickier to fly and you'll be wishing you had practiced with a quad that doesn't have GPS. Also I highly recommend you read up on setting up the Phantom and calibrating the compass and IMU as setting it up correctly and calibrating it correctly can make a big difference to how well it fly's and if you have a problem or not. As long as you have practised with a non GPS quad first and done your research and only fly in places safe to fly the phantom is a joy to fly and has been more or less trouble free for me and would make an excellent second quadcopter.