Let me toss this out there. When I first got interested in this hobby I had not yet joined the community on Quadcopter Forum. I made an appalling number of costly errors.After joining I began to ask questions and listen and research and learn. One of the first bits of wisdom holtneil imparted was the importance of a good radio. One that does what you want and feels right when you use it, because you will have it long after you have destroyed your first quad. A cheap radio will spoil the fun of flying. I would suggest you find a radio that meets the specifications you need to do the job you want. Make sure it feels right to you when you hold it and operate the controls. Find a decent, inexpensive mid size quad to build and practice with while putting together the rest of your main build parts. It will help you learn to set up a multi properly. Once you commit to and buy the frame then look for the motors, ESC's, props , wiring,batteries and charger, FPV gear and any other accessories you may decide on. THEN buy the controller set up that will best suit your needs. which may have changed, instead of building around the capabilities of a controller you bought early on. The controller technology is advancing very rapidly. You have stated that you plan this to take several months to complete. The sophistication of the controllers by then may be light years ahead of what is available now. This is what I have learned from participating in this forum. Others may have additional hints to pass on. You have done the smart thing by asking questions. Don't stop. It can save you from making costly and frustrating errors along the way. Let the fun begin!!