Hey everyone.
Newbie here. I have a $100 gift card to amazon and I was kinda wanting to tinker with a quadcopter and some raspberri pi / arduinos i have laying around.
I want to know does anyone know of a good starter copter I could get on amazon?
I would like to kinda mount the raspberry pi on this copter and have it fly the coper, instead of me via an rc controller...
i know $100 isn't much, but is there someone I could start?
I have never piloted a copter before, but see alot on toys r us and amazon for less then $100, figure maybe there is somehting i can start with?
I have heard about programs on the raspberry pi that will allow it to pilot, i think that would just be so cool.
Newbie here. I have a $100 gift card to amazon and I was kinda wanting to tinker with a quadcopter and some raspberri pi / arduinos i have laying around.
I want to know does anyone know of a good starter copter I could get on amazon?
I would like to kinda mount the raspberry pi on this copter and have it fly the coper, instead of me via an rc controller...
i know $100 isn't much, but is there someone I could start?
I have never piloted a copter before, but see alot on toys r us and amazon for less then $100, figure maybe there is somehting i can start with?
I have heard about programs on the raspberry pi that will allow it to pilot, i think that would just be so cool.