
  1. Yog Dharaskar

    Will It Fly Good?

    Hi guys, I just finished my ZMR250 build wiith naze rev 6 emax simonk 12a esc emax 2204 2300kv motors and DAL 6045 bullnose pprops. There is a problem i ordered the wrong battery, a 3300mah 35c 11.1v 3s lipo its 270 grams in weight i dont intend to use a camera or any other equipment so will it...
  2. 94Z28

    My ZMR250 is done finally!

    I began here on the forum talking about my X5 and X8 and also was browsing for a used racer but was persuaded to build so I did. I build lights and lasers as I've said before and I do alot with electronics so it was really no issue to build and program. The learning curve for me was really...
  3. Shampoo1014

    Head First - ZMR X210 Build

    Hi from South Africa everyone! My dad has been involved in drones for a while now and he has managed to infect me with the craze when I flew his 3DR Solo (which I flicked to sport mode and flew at breakneck speed around the grounds). I mentioned an interest in drone racing once I had flown his...
  4. 1

    Betaflight with Airmode Grief

    Hello everyone, I have recently tried to get betaflight on my naze32 rev 6, because I wanted airmode on the quad. Upon getting the board sucessfully flashed, I armed the board, and tried to spin up the motors to no avail. The motors didn't make the startup sound, nor did they spin. I tried...
  5. Sp00kie13

    Spectrum DX6 help

    hi guys You'll have to forgive means I'm new to quads but have been building and flying helis and planes for years. I've just finished building my new zmr250 with a full naze32 rev6. I'm trying to work in my Spektrum dx6 with an r615x in rd ppm mode but I'm lost on how to work in the throw...
  6. U

    FS - QAV250 3D Printed GoPro Session Mount

    Up for sale is a QAV250 3D printed Gopro Session mount with a 30 degree angle. It is 3D printed with ABS plastic. If you would like one please send me a message. I have more than one and also can make it with a 20 or 10 degree angle (please give me a week if you would like it in a 20 or 10...