
  1. P

    HELP with setting up a servoless payload release system

    Hi all, Today I put together my first quadcopter, and since all was working well I thought i'd try installing a servoless payload release mechanism: Currently everything lights up but the payload release mechanism won't work when I trigger it on my radio. It definitely is receiving a signal...
  2. P

    Help with setting up payload release

    Hi all, Today I put together my first quadcopter, and since all was working well I thought i'd try installing an e-flite servoless payload release mechanism Currently everything lights up but the payload release mechanism won't work when I trigger it on my radio. It definitely is receiving a...
  3. S

    New/Upgrading build flight controller recommendations

    So i was into drones about 1.5 years ago and decided to build myself one to try out however, it never really worked as well as i wanted and didn't have features i probably just assumed were standard like altitude hold and return to home. so i planned an upgrade using a SPracing F3 (which i later...
  4. Stefano Sambruna

    Telemetry Crius AIOP V2.0 on FrSky Taranis

    Hi everyone i've the flight control Crius AIOP V2.0 purchased on rctimer. I'm trying to get the telemetry on my FrSky Taranis purchased on HK that has the X8R receiver. Is there anyone that know the way to trasmit the telemetry from the Crius to this radio controller?