
  1. BL Swagger

    Dead FC Review

    I believe I have a dead FC, but wanted to run by my approach & findings with all of you to see if you have anything else to add. Starts off when I was attempting to install a Hellgate Buzzer onto an SPF3 FC. Things didn't go very well, and long story short, it ends with the quad not working...
  2. Itsjayseetime

    Frsky xm+ not getting power?

    Total noob here! I spent all day today assembling my first build based on uavfutures $99 build. I opted for the SPF3 instead of the F1 fc. After basically everything is put together I soldered the wires to connect my frsky xm+ receiver. After connecting it I wanted to bind it so I plugged a...
  3. U

    SP f3 flight controller issue

    I am having a problem with my seriously pro f3 flight controller where one of the motor channels has a delayed response to stick input. I can see it on cleanflight where when I raise the throttle, motor channel 3 stay at 1070 (or whatever my min throttle is) while the others raise normally until...
  4. MrkThMn

    Cant get reciever and FC to talk!

    I have a problem that I am really hoping someone here can help me with. What I Have and What Works For Christmas, I got a Taranis X9D Plus and it came with a X8R receiver. The quad I’m trying to connect it to has an SP Racing F3 FC. I followed the steps to bind the receiver and the Taranis...