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  1. J

    Glimpse XL - Newbie help required!!

    Hiya. I'm in Bridgend.. south Wales.. we no longer have a hobby shop.. I tried charging the battery with my new eflight charger and it won't work.. keeps showing error - something to do with balancing cells?? Arrgghhh
  2. J

    Glimpse XL - Newbie help required!!

    Hi Holtneil, I had followed a similar video and tried doing exactly as in this one too Its strange, I can see that there is no bind (the LED goes off after it initially turns green), and I know the drone goes onto bind mode when turned upside down (flashing blue LED).. I then try to bind...
  3. J

    Glimpse XL - Newbie help required!!

    It was the controller that came with the drone. DX4 DSMX 4-channel transmitter. I haven't tried actually binding whilst upside down - but willing to try anything! I will let you know how I get in... thanks!
  4. J

    Glimpse XL - Newbie help required!!

    I am 100% new to RC.. As far as I can tell the arming is done by using both sticks moving down towards centre.. but I haven't been able to do anything.. Looking at the colours of start-up codes.. being totally blank once the "green" drone light comes on (then goes off).. then the radio is off...
  5. J

    Glimpse XL - Newbie help required!!

    I had it sat on the garden decking... which is probably the only level piece of land I have Lol! From everything I can tell the issue is that the controller just will not bind.. not sure if I should buy a replacement controller or if I'm just throwing money away ..
  6. J

    Glimpse XL - Newbie help required!!

    Hello, I have an issue attempting to bind a DX4 transmitter to my Glimpse XL. (350 QX) I turn the power on and the Glimpse XL flashes and the LED turns green as though all is well. I then turn upside down to enable bind mode. The Led turns to flashing blue (which I believe is the bind mode). I...
  7. J

    Newbies In need of help & advice!

    Link below from maplin. Thanks for your help
  8. J

    Newbies In need of help & advice!

    Hi.. that's very much like it but I believe that it had a basic camera & no moveable gimble. (Both Missing when I got it) There is a battery re-order code which I just four has a bit more detail & a picture but plus info on dimensions & no info on charger) - but now I have at least some info to...
  9. J

    Newbies In need of help & advice!

    Yeah they are but this product was specific to them... much the sane as 350x but for some reason it had subtle differences that no one us able to clarify
  10. J

    Newbies In need of help & advice!

    Hiya, That seems to he a different model - it was the same one I found myself. This is a "Maplin" specific product supposedly similar to the 350x? I'm not quite sure but seem unable to get any detail
  11. J

    Newbies In need of help & advice!

    1st time user.. just acquired HORIZON HOBBY GLIMPSE XL FPV HD CAMERA DRONE... but with no battery, charger or camera - great start eh! Trying to source info on components but haven't a clue. I believed the battery connector is an EC3 type but I have no real knowledge.. if anyone could advise on...
  12. J

    Total newbiee

    Total newbiee