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  1. SRIS300

    How to measure altitude on quad

    I just finished my first build and my quad is now able to fly. :) I am using a ZMR Multiwii Lite for my flight controller and was wondering how I could measure the altitude with this controller. And I also wanted to know where I would see this information (ex. smartphone, tablet). Thanks for any...
  2. SRIS300

    Is Battery sparking normal?

    Whenever I connect my battery to my power distribution board I keep seeing sparks before I fully plug it in. Initially I thought it was okay since the drone ended up getting powered but I've started to notice some burned marks on the pins of the XT connectors and got worried as to whether or not...
  3. SRIS300

    Need Help With Flight Controller and Receiver

    Hello, I had started a quadcopter build and tried to use an instructables build guide to complete the project. The main difference with this build was that I used a Raspberry Pi 2 to receive commands rather than a traditional flight controller. I had a lot of trouble getting the code to run on...