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  1. V

    Making my own controller, Yaw,Pitch and Roll angles.

    thank you for the video. I did almost the same thing as he did but added another axis so thats X and Y axis. But it didnt work. im not sure if i need to further adjust the constants or its a problem in the code. code is long and include bluetooth communication so ill post what i think is...
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    Making my own controller, Yaw,Pitch and Roll angles.

    havent watched all of it yet but hes using almost the exact same idea and modules. Thank you, ill learn alot from this.
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    Making my own controller, Yaw,Pitch and Roll angles.

    Hello everyone. im creating my own controller and quad-copter code and im using a mpu6050 Chip that Uses an accelerometer and gyroscope to give back The Yaw, Roll and pitch angles in degrees. my problem is Using these angles to set the appropriate motor speed for stable flight since each motor...
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    Controlling DC motor speeds with Arduino and giving equal power.

    int potValue=0; int anlg=A2; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(5,OUTPUT); pinMode(3,OUTPUT); } void loop(){ potValue = analogRead(anlg); potValue = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255); Serial.println(potValue); analogWrite(5,potValue)...
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    Controlling DC motor speeds with Arduino and giving equal power.

    So im switching to a smaller build and I tried to control the speed of a tiny DC motor that I happen to own. I used a transistor and it works but there is an issue. The motor speed is much weaker than connecting it directly to the battery. I have a 3.7v battery and if I connect the motor to a...
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    Quad Wont get off the Ground, Topples to The Side

    What does fcb stand for?
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    Quad Wont get off the Ground, Topples to The Side

    I Agree, My plan from the beginning is to create a tiny quad that sits in the palm of your hand. But since im a noob, I already purchased these motors and frame not realizing their strength. Right now, I don't think I can return them since I shortened the wire quite a bit. Honestly, I admit...
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    Quad Wont get off the Ground, Topples to The Side

    Thank you. how do I know if my thrust is on the center of gravity? I just bought a premade frame so I assumed that's already taken care off. Also, I have an accelerometer attached to the quad, would that be enough to keep it level if I use it? or I should I be looking for something else...
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    Quad Wont get off the Ground, Topples to The Side

    I will when I have the time but just incase: My frame is 5.5 inches my propellers are 5-inch Motors are...
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    Quad Wont get off the Ground, Topples to The Side

    im using Bluetooth and Arduino and going to create all the code for flight. Correct me if im wrong but if the blades and the motors are mounted correctly, shouldn't the quad atleast be able to fly up and slowly drift? right now it cant even get off the ground. It leans too much to one side...
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    Quad Wont get off the Ground, Topples to The Side

    The quad topples to the same side before it takes off. Now im wondering, why is that? if I'm understanding this correctly, I just need to set all motors to the same power and get the CW and CWW spin correctly. Right now, it seems that all motors are same power but as I increase the power, it...
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    Propeller Size and Frame that Fits my Motors?

    I have EMAX RS2205 2600KV Brushless Motors and I'm wonder, what blade and Frame would fit these? I looked around for frames but most of the affordable ones says 1200kv motors. As for propellers, I have 10-inch propellers. Is that too large for this motor?
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    Power Distribution Board VS ESC?

    is it possible to skip the VIN and connect ground and the PDB 12v to the arduino power input that the Mega/Uno arduinos have? would that be different at all?
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    Power Distribution Board VS ESC?

    So, how to connect the PDB to Arduino? i see multiple Red wires that go into the APM and i don't know which goes to VIn and which goes to V5 in the Arduino. I don't want to screw around and burn the Arduino.
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    Power Distribution Board VS ESC?

    hmm, i don't know but i think ill be alright as long as i can get it to take off a little. it might crash but getting it to fly up and down should be alright.
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    Power Distribution Board VS ESC?

    thank you, i have never worked with APM boards so i have no idea how to program it or how to use it. This is a Project for school so i try to make as much of the Programing and software and try to stay away from anything that is premade. Since Arduino is something i worked with before, it seems...
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    Power Distribution Board VS ESC?

    So in my Case, since im using an Arduino For Flight controller, I would need to wire all the wires coming from the PDB to the Arduino? Im looking at the Camera connection above, and I cant help but wonder, where would the Cam connection go if i would connect it to an Arduino?
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    Power Distribution Board VS ESC?

    ok so if the Power distribution board is on the right, what's on the left?
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    Power Distribution Board VS ESC?

    So im building my first quad and after looking around, I have seen some people suggesting that you need a Power distribution board to give each motor even amount of power. Im using a brushless motors and 4 ESCs. One Arduino for controller and one for the drone. Can someone help me out on how to...