Recent content by wafflejock

  1. wafflejock

    Running Drone's 12s Motor with two 6s lipo?

    Yup you aren't gonna run into electrical problems with "undervolting" a motor but if you overdo it for any given component in the chain then that component can easily pop/cook. Motors designed for 12S but only supplied with 6S the worst case scenario is it doesn't turn over (motor doesn't...
  2. wafflejock

    First build gone wrong

    What do you mean by hooked them to an esp32? Are you using a flight controller? (They are typically stm32 based). Are you using betaflight.... need a lot more detail to really be able to help, try to share a vid (upload as unlisted on YouTube and share a link here) or show some pics and describe...
  3. wafflejock

    How to start? ^^ Joshua Bardwell's channel is a wealth of knowledge with regard to betaflight, he has a few iNav videos here or there too and just a ton of product review vids since he gets a lot of gear sent for free for the...
  4. wafflejock

    considering new drone.!!!

    What David said, DJI is a world apart from the rest (for a fancy camera in the sky) but I would also avoid buying used unless have some proof the original warranty can be transferred or else paying the premium price, but not getting the premium support that should go with it. DJI is good in...
  5. wafflejock

    What's wrong with me?

    Maybe... basically so long as can get the thrust to weight high enough to have it do the pid loop to correct for errors/wind and whatnot plus give you control then it could work. Problem is basically with higher kv motors they will have lower torque so ability to quickly change speed of the...
  6. wafflejock

    New Emax build

    Have an impossible time not singing along to NIN :cool:. Fun flying too!
  7. wafflejock

    FPV system that tracks for long flights

    On topic of GPS flight I also have only really dabbled with using iNav for some kind of autonomous control but very very limited experience with that (just got it setup and did a few test take off and hovers, and needed a lot of tuning for a scary hexacopter I built :D). Betaflight only uses...
  8. wafflejock

    FPV system that tracks for long flights

    Regarding GPS you can get a BN880 module that has a GPS receiver and compass built into one package and works fairly well from some basic testing I've done with them but can't say I've every even attempted any real long range flights since I live in a pretty densely populated area and haven't...
  9. wafflejock

    FPV system that tracks for long flights

    ELRS (express LRS) I think is the best option right now for the radio control and telemetry data. There's a wide range of actual hardware that runs ELRS firmware for the radio link so can get higher powered or lower frequency/longer wavelength radios and can basically make a trade off in the...
  10. wafflejock

    Obstacle Blocking Drone Signal

    ELRS isn't an "absolute fix" but will typically extend the range to the point that the control signals become a non-issue but vid feed signals will be the limiting factor
  11. wafflejock

    Obstacle Blocking Drone Signal

    The initial things you can adjust are antenna's (using combo of polarized and directional antenna) and the power output. The max output you're allowed to use on a transmitter without getting certification varies depending on where you are in the world. I haven't ever used an "FPV relay" type...
  12. wafflejock

    Drone tilts before it takes off

    Before giving any throttle with the left stick just use the right stick to pitch forward or only use left stick for yaw and see if can determine if it's one side that dips. Usually if the entire thing flips it is a board rotation issue so beta flight is just correcting things backwards and it...
  13. wafflejock

    Drone GPS

    Beta flight is the most popular firmware/software stack on flight controllers, it's possible to hook a bn-880 or similar gps module to get extra telemetry data recorded but not aware of an app to read that directly and plot it (though there may be something for blackbox logs to maps)...
  14. wafflejock

    Greetings to all friends in this forum, I'm from Chicago

    Hey fellow Chicagoan (I'm out in oak park officially but close enough) if haven't seen it already there's some gates setup out at Schiller Air Field just west of the city. I luckily live right in the strip between Midway and O'Hare so is legitimate to fly here but haven't yet rigged up my quads...
  15. wafflejock

    APD ESCs beeping 6 times

    Not sure about APD ESCs, but ESCs in general can be calibrated. Generally the procedure is: 1. Take props off, unplug battery 2. Turn on transmitter and set throttle to 100% 3. plug in quad leaving throttle at 100% (props off) 4. should hear some startup beeps from ESCs but think just two...