Hi everyone.. 1st post.
About a year ago my bro gave me a x5sw drone, I think it has the wind bug cause it handles even slight breeze terrible.. tends to just drift.
It's been collecting dust for a while, I recently picked up a x5a-1 cheap and it has rekindled my interest.
I like to fly outside but usually end up inside cause it's convenient, found the x5a to be a bit large for it though.
So I got a great deal on a Cheerson CX-10WD.. and Im loving that little copter it handles like a dream inside and the alt hold is awesome.
So I got this clever (maybe not so clever) idea.. It seems like other than the x8 style props the SW and HW are basically the same copter.
So Im thinking maybe I can just pickup a HW board and swap it to upgrade my lousy SW to a HW w/alt hold... (and swap the props)
I know I need a auto centering throttle though otherwise gonna be hard to use the alt hold feature.
But I also have an eye on cost and so unless someone see's a problem with a board/prop swap.. Here are my options.
- Swap Board: $9.50
- Swap Analog Stick for centering one: ???
Problem with #1 is I can't find a suitable analog stick replacement, I've done plenty of swaps on game controllers.
The sticks are dirt cheap.. but those also have center button & different posts for caps.. the syma controller does not have a center button so not sure things will line up, I have a blue tooth controller (junk) that has a non center button analog but it's like 12mm and the syma controller messure around 16mm so no go.
I can't seem to find a analog stick for the swap.
- Buy PCB & New Trans $9.50 + $13.50/$18.00
So I can get a x5h* trans for around $13.50.. or a x8h* for around 18.00
I read somewhere that the x8 transmitter is more powerful.. Or I can get pcb/x5h* trans combo for $21.50
.. but that leads to a cost problem once we look at #3
- Just buy a x5hw or x5hc $30
Can get a deal right now on these so if im gonna spend $21.50 why not just buy another complete drone?
I'd still wanna board swap the SW but I could just use the trans from the new drone.
Problem with this is it leaves me down a transmitter.. Im splitting double duty here.
Not a problem if it's just me but if someone wants to fly with me it's one less drone that's RTF.
I guess you could still fly with the non centering stick but seems like it would suck.
So whats the best approach here? and is the x8 trans worth the added cost.
I also have some rp-sma pigtails and ant's coming so either way im gonna be modding some transmitters.. Im not one of those people who want to fly till the drone is a dot in the sky but the mod is cheap and im confident I can do the solder work, The stronger the signal the better regardless of range.
About a year ago my bro gave me a x5sw drone, I think it has the wind bug cause it handles even slight breeze terrible.. tends to just drift.
It's been collecting dust for a while, I recently picked up a x5a-1 cheap and it has rekindled my interest.
I like to fly outside but usually end up inside cause it's convenient, found the x5a to be a bit large for it though.
So I got a great deal on a Cheerson CX-10WD.. and Im loving that little copter it handles like a dream inside and the alt hold is awesome.
So I got this clever (maybe not so clever) idea.. It seems like other than the x8 style props the SW and HW are basically the same copter.
So Im thinking maybe I can just pickup a HW board and swap it to upgrade my lousy SW to a HW w/alt hold... (and swap the props)
I know I need a auto centering throttle though otherwise gonna be hard to use the alt hold feature.
But I also have an eye on cost and so unless someone see's a problem with a board/prop swap.. Here are my options.
- Swap Board: $9.50
- Swap Analog Stick for centering one: ???
Problem with #1 is I can't find a suitable analog stick replacement, I've done plenty of swaps on game controllers.
The sticks are dirt cheap.. but those also have center button & different posts for caps.. the syma controller does not have a center button so not sure things will line up, I have a blue tooth controller (junk) that has a non center button analog but it's like 12mm and the syma controller messure around 16mm so no go.
I can't seem to find a analog stick for the swap.
- Buy PCB & New Trans $9.50 + $13.50/$18.00
So I can get a x5h* trans for around $13.50.. or a x8h* for around 18.00
I read somewhere that the x8 transmitter is more powerful.. Or I can get pcb/x5h* trans combo for $21.50
.. but that leads to a cost problem once we look at #3
- Just buy a x5hw or x5hc $30
Can get a deal right now on these so if im gonna spend $21.50 why not just buy another complete drone?
I'd still wanna board swap the SW but I could just use the trans from the new drone.
Problem with this is it leaves me down a transmitter.. Im splitting double duty here.
Not a problem if it's just me but if someone wants to fly with me it's one less drone that's RTF.
I guess you could still fly with the non centering stick but seems like it would suck.
So whats the best approach here? and is the x8 trans worth the added cost.
I also have some rp-sma pigtails and ant's coming so either way im gonna be modding some transmitters.. Im not one of those people who want to fly till the drone is a dot in the sky but the mod is cheap and im confident I can do the solder work, The stronger the signal the better regardless of range.