Hello everyone! I am new to this forum and relatively new to building quadcopters. I just put together my first quad, not from a kit but with miscellaneous compatible parts and modifications. Everything has gone smoothly up until this point, and all of my connections are solid. However, I assigned a switch to the ARM function in the modes tab, and Cleanflight recognizes that a switch has been assigned, but the tab doesn't turn green when flipped to the proper position. I am also unable to arm through the default stick function. I have already attempted to calibrate the accelerometer as well as adjust the endpoints of the throttle both in Cleanflight and on my radio. I have total motor control through Cleanflight itself, and all of the stick functions are recognized and moving in the proper direction. The receiver connects perfectly fine with the radio (as indicated by the green LED on the receiver), but there is clearly something missing. I am using the FrSky Taranis X9D Plus radio with FrSky X8R receiver and a Naze32 Rev6 flight controller. Any ideas? Thank you!