Well-Known Member
I crashed my Tarot FY680 pro hexcopter in a stupid accident. The aircraft was totaled but I managed to salvage some parts including the motors. But somehow I misplaced/lost the propeller washers.
Later, I decided to build a new quad using some spare parts I had laying around, some of the salvaged components as well as some new stuff I had to order. But when I realized that I had lost the prop washers, I searched in vain for a source for replacements. I even tried sending emails to the U.S. Tarot rep and the sales people at Tarot - did not get a response from either.
Then, I found from some prop washers that I thought might work - they are T-Motor washers:
For comparison sake, here's a photo of the stock Tarot washer:
I emailed the sales folks at Helidirect asking if the T-Motor washers would be okay and their response was no, they wouldn't work.
Well, I tried them anyway - mounted them on another Elev-8 I build that has the same Tarot motors. All up weight is 3 lbs and it flew just fine. Two days ago, I flew a video mission that lasted about 4 minutes under breezy conditions. After landing I inspected all motors - the props are all secure. I will continue to inspect each before and after each flight, but for now I can say that these T-Motor prop washers work just fine.
By the way, here's a pic of what I call my Frankenstein quad:
I'm waiting for a replacement GPS module which will arrive later today. Once it's installed I can complete the APM calibrations, install the props and take it out for a maiden test flight.
Later, I decided to build a new quad using some spare parts I had laying around, some of the salvaged components as well as some new stuff I had to order. But when I realized that I had lost the prop washers, I searched in vain for a source for replacements. I even tried sending emails to the U.S. Tarot rep and the sales people at Tarot - did not get a response from either.
Then, I found from some prop washers that I thought might work - they are T-Motor washers:

For comparison sake, here's a photo of the stock Tarot washer:

I emailed the sales folks at Helidirect asking if the T-Motor washers would be okay and their response was no, they wouldn't work.
Well, I tried them anyway - mounted them on another Elev-8 I build that has the same Tarot motors. All up weight is 3 lbs and it flew just fine. Two days ago, I flew a video mission that lasted about 4 minutes under breezy conditions. After landing I inspected all motors - the props are all secure. I will continue to inspect each before and after each flight, but for now I can say that these T-Motor prop washers work just fine.
By the way, here's a pic of what I call my Frankenstein quad:

I'm waiting for a replacement GPS module which will arrive later today. Once it's installed I can complete the APM calibrations, install the props and take it out for a maiden test flight.