I am looking for a FC that can be set up relatively easy for a first flight (won't crash my quad), but that is also highly programmable for the future.
I am using my quad for the purpose of eventually getting into PID tuning and programming/GPS integration/drift correction. However, I want to get it into the air first without crashing it before I dive into anything.
Any suggestions? I know KK2 is an easy setup but not programmable like the multiwii?
Note: I am a Computer Engineering student but this is my first quad. I have a midsize quadX designed for second payload.
Over the past months I have purchased from various sources -
2 KK2.1
1 Naze32 6 DOF
1 Naze32 10 Dof ( should be here next week!)
5 CC3d - 1 atom I still use - 1 CC3D Evo I fried - 1 CC3D Revolution - just arrived will be tried out next week - 1 CC3d to replace the one I fried - 1 CC3d Evo - still to arrive for spare.
The KK2 is handy because you can tune it anywhere without any form of computer. I myself have never installed and it flew OK stright off - always needs hours of PID tuning - but after that they are OK - as a starter IMHO.
I like the CC3D - more so now that The sulky in fighting at OpenPilot has resulted in OP becoming defunct and unsupported and the starting of LibrePilot which is basically OP updated with new logo's and updated firmware.
It does need a computer to tune the board - but its soooo easy even a dumb lemon like me can cope! LibrePilot has a good support and will advance over teh months.
I am told that the CC3D can be flashed with Cleanflight of Baseflight which are the FC domain of the Naze FC - I have not tried and so no point! These things are all inexpensive so I just bought the Naze boards to try out Cleanflight and baseflight firmware.
Again its another faction split and "they" say Cleanflight is best and gets updates etc,. while Baseflight is lagging behind. But - you can easily swap around flash and re-flash both at any time to play with and decide your choice.
CC3D revo and Naze32 10Dof are GPS capable. Not sure on the others so you would need to check. GPS is not something that concerns me really ( yet) as I also fly a Phantom P3P which is my Arial camera not a "play thing".
FYI : I have had 3 defective CC3D - 1 off eBay, 1 from a online chinese store and one from HobbyKing. All have a USB issue - ie none would connect - even though on Win7 the ding dong USB connected chime was heard - they do not connect with "coptercontrol" USB input to the application. its not a driver issue coz the "Good" CC3D all connect OK.
It is bad enough waiting weeks fro a delivery and worse when they are crap and you need to argue for a refund - especially HobbyKing who have you jumping through hoops before they even consider a refund.
Your computer skills should help with understanding PIDs - there are many vids on youTube that will start you off.
I have not tried the ones GJH suggests - but there is still time....