I'm building a custom drone with my own configuration and one of the biggest features that I want is to have a custom RC where I want to use a joystick (Logitech 3D Pro) and my PC to control a drone. Basically, what I'm planning is to create a custom ground station with custom software running on a laptop.
What I already did is to create a stable connection between two Arduinos with NRF24L01+ modules on both sides. I tested with 150m meters on open field and connection was 10/10. Also, I created a python script that reads my inputs from the joystick (1 byte for throttle and yaw, 2 bytes for pitch and roll), sends them over the serial port to Arduino which send them to Rx side. Rx side as a acknowledge payload sends back some hardcoded values like lat, lon, altitude, etc.
I researched a little and I found that maybe the easiest solution is to use QGroundStation as software and MavLink for communication between a ground station and drone (planning to use Pixhawk flight controller). But I have a feeling that MavLink protocol is a little "bulky" for my taste. And I'm pretty much sure that popular RC kits are not based on MavLink protocol (or am I completely wrong? xD)
What I want to achieve and for what I need your help is how to remove MavLink protocol from the solution and communicate with the flight controller directly from Arduino on the Rx side? I want to go with PPM connection, but if PPM is complicated maybe I can use PWM (one wire for each channel) and after some time upgrade it with PPM? But I'm not sure how to send signals to Pixhawk and in which format? How to map my custom order of signals (bytes) that I receive from GS into something that I can put through PPM wire to Pixhawk? I read a lot and I didn't figure it out...
Also, I want to make clear that I did some research but after a few days I didn't found anything "usable" for me...I found a few youtube videos where guys managed to control drones with Joystick+PC but with re-wiring and connecting some commercial RC controls (Flysky and similar) which I don't want to do. So If you have some good resources for which you think that can help me, please share
And of course, I will really glad to hear if any of you had similar experience or project or maybe some piece of advice? 
I'm building a custom drone with my own configuration and one of the biggest features that I want is to have a custom RC where I want to use a joystick (Logitech 3D Pro) and my PC to control a drone. Basically, what I'm planning is to create a custom ground station with custom software running on a laptop.
What I already did is to create a stable connection between two Arduinos with NRF24L01+ modules on both sides. I tested with 150m meters on open field and connection was 10/10. Also, I created a python script that reads my inputs from the joystick (1 byte for throttle and yaw, 2 bytes for pitch and roll), sends them over the serial port to Arduino which send them to Rx side. Rx side as a acknowledge payload sends back some hardcoded values like lat, lon, altitude, etc.
I researched a little and I found that maybe the easiest solution is to use QGroundStation as software and MavLink for communication between a ground station and drone (planning to use Pixhawk flight controller). But I have a feeling that MavLink protocol is a little "bulky" for my taste. And I'm pretty much sure that popular RC kits are not based on MavLink protocol (or am I completely wrong? xD)
What I want to achieve and for what I need your help is how to remove MavLink protocol from the solution and communicate with the flight controller directly from Arduino on the Rx side? I want to go with PPM connection, but if PPM is complicated maybe I can use PWM (one wire for each channel) and after some time upgrade it with PPM? But I'm not sure how to send signals to Pixhawk and in which format? How to map my custom order of signals (bytes) that I receive from GS into something that I can put through PPM wire to Pixhawk? I read a lot and I didn't figure it out...
Also, I want to make clear that I did some research but after a few days I didn't found anything "usable" for me...I found a few youtube videos where guys managed to control drones with Joystick+PC but with re-wiring and connecting some commercial RC controls (Flysky and similar) which I don't want to do. So If you have some good resources for which you think that can help me, please share