
  1. OnTheRocks

    I can't find it!

    Hello, A couple of months ago, I was researching commercial drone opportunities and I came across this website that looked interesting and I thought would be worth checking into. But, I screwed up and did not bookmark the site or write it down or anything. I guess I just assumed I'd be able...
  2. Tutton1702

    Help for a NOOB

    Hello people of the internet! I am looking into getting a Quadcopter. The reason I will be purchasing one is for work purposes......honest! I am a surveyor by day and I am required to carry out roof inspections. I will be carrying these out in all sorts of weather and was wondering what...
  3. tim lazenby

    Using drone for magnetometry survey in archaeology

    Hi guys I'm a complete newbie to drones and their making. I'm an archaeologist and we use equipment that detects the earths magnetism and the anomalies in them, so that enables us to find buried sites and features before we dig. I have an idea to mount a smaller version of our equipment...