spektrum dx6

  1. F

    For Sale: Everything is Brand New: Fat Shark Dominator HD2, Spektrum Dx6

    Tried the drone thing, I just cant get the hang of it. Plus we're building a house and need the money. Everything was used for a couple of hours yesterday and works great. Fat Shark Dominator HD2 FPV goggles/headset: $515 OBO Spektrum DX6: $200 OBO Text me for pics and quicker response...
  2. Sp00kie13

    Spectrum DX6 help

    hi guys You'll have to forgive means I'm new to quads but have been building and flying helis and planes for years. I've just finished building my new zmr250 with a full naze32 rev6. I'm trying to work in my Spektrum dx6 with an r615x in rd ppm mode but I'm lost on how to work in the throw...