Hey guys/girls, first post here.
Recently built an Elf X2 with the HGLRC all-in-one flight contorller. flies great but whenever I do a roll, whenever i come out of it, it will randomly pitch forward a bit or over roll.
I can only assume that this is something wrong with the PIDs (D value may...
So I have a Taranis q x7 transmitter with a DYS Omnibus F4 Pro Flight Controller and as far I know everything works on my quad but the weird problem I have is when I put my transmitter in mode 1 I can arm the drone but the roll, pitch, yaw, and throttle are all mixed up. And when I change it to...
Hi all. New to quads and flying them but have a little RC experience. Just bought a Storm SRD250 v3
Got a slight issue that I can't resolve with some searching. Hopefully it's not too uncommon and some kind soul will help me out.
Flowen a dozen or so times. When in horizon mode it rolls...