
  1. A

    Flight Controller / (cheap) drone for autonomous cargo pickup and drop-off drone - university project

    tldr: I need a cheap drone (quadrocopter) or a flight controller, so that I can control a drone with an Arduino or Raspberry Pi to implement a landing and cargo pickup routine. What drone or flight controller do you suggest? I am currently beginning my final university project for my bachelor...
  2. Y

    Buying a drone for research

    Hey guys, sort-of-newb here. Do you guys know if there are any good substitutes for the drone kit QAV250? It's one of the drone kits that meet all of the requirements I need for a research I'm doing at my Uni and the complete kit is not available anywhere. With regards to why not just research...
  3. M

    Image processing with a quad

    Hi all, I am pretty new on this hobby and I have no any quad on my hand for now. I am collecting my pieces to make a quad. However, I cannot overcome some hardware issues. I want to process images. But I don't know which control cards should be used for this mission except Raspberry Pi. If...
  4. B

    Drone Project Question

    Hello There! I´ve been searching the components to make a drone with my own hands and I was wondering if there´s something missing from all the things listed below: 1.Raspberry Pi 3 70g 2.DALRC DL265 FPV Drone Frame Kit 278g 3.Pi Camera V2 40g 4. 4 Emax MT2213 935Kv motors 55g each 5.Battery...