
  1. M

    Code to control QCopter

    I build my own QCopter but i have a huge problem to write software to control him :). I tried a lot of stabilisation code from various projects, but none works good enough. My friend recommended me ArduPilot, because it’s software works good and smooth in a lot of projects. But repository is...
  2. raymon kroeze

    How to tune your quad | PID's explained

    In this video i am talking about PID's and how to tune your quad!
  3. H

    Control question

    Hello, I have a general questions about the trajectory control of quadcopter. Suppose we have a ground station which can send the control command to quadcopter and all accurate feeback data. For a specific trajectory, by using PID, we can get a position error [x_e, y_e, z_e]', further, we can...
  4. Joel martins

    Help tuning eachine 250

    Hello so after 937463 problems I got my eachine back in the air again, but not in a glorious way, firstly he started to flip backwards at takeoff and then i searched interned and pids were wrong so i defaulted them, now he lifts with no flips but doesnt have stability neither does it hover, also...
  5. varunvp

    Quadcopter simulation in Unity

    Hey guys, This is my first post in the forum, and I didn't know where it would fit, so I posted here. I built a quadcopter with my friends some time back, in a workshop, but was disappointed that we could not learn to program it. Hence I don't know anything about how quadcopters are stabilized...
  6. raymon kroeze

    Betaflight 3.0 tuning!!!

    The last couple of month a lot people ask me questions on how I tune my quads. So finally I decided to make a tuning video! This is just a simple video where I show you my process while tuning. Hope this can help people!
  7. Proxxii

    PID Loop Time???

    Title says just about says it all. I have litterally no idea what to do with these loop times..... Do they change for different ESCs? Do they change for flight board? Do they change for motors? Jesus please help x-x (Using cleanflight+Naze32 if that matters)
  8. 1

    Betaflight with Airmode Grief

    Hello everyone, I have recently tried to get betaflight on my naze32 rev 6, because I wanted airmode on the quad. Upon getting the board sucessfully flashed, I armed the board, and tried to spin up the motors to no avail. The motors didn't make the startup sound, nor did they spin. I tried...