part 107

  1. Z

    Free FAA PArt 107 Test Prep Class

    I have a class on Udemy (with practice tests) that you can access via the link below for free. Hope it's helpful. I am always updating it. If anyone has any questions or comments, I'd love the feedback. Thanks and good luck...
  2. G

    Airspace (US)

    Hello Pilots, I am a part 107 certified pilot in the US. The B4UFly app is telling me I have an airport nearby. It's a small, unpaved field that, as far as I know, is not in operation or has very minimal use. As a newbie to sectional charts, I am trying to find out if this airport is in...
  3. Z

    Free Part 107 Commercial Drone License Class

    I've got a free Part 107 remote license class on Udemy if anyone is interested. Use the link below to get in to the class. UAS/UAV (Drone) Remote Pilot Certification Test - Part 107 If you need to enter the coupon code for some reason, it is: "PART107" I'd love to hear any feedback. Thanks, Zac.
  4. Z

    Would anyone be interested in a free prep course for the FAA Part 107 knowledge test?

    I am looking to develop a prep course for the FAA's Part 107 Knowledge Test and I wanted to see if this would be something people are potentially interested in. It would be an online video course that reviews the necessary material as well as sample questions. I would include downloadable...