
  1. J

    How to add custom betaflight code to obtain data from I2C device and pass to OSD?

    I successfully obtained data from my I2C device in Arduino: #include <Wire.h> ... Wire.begin(); ... // read function: Wire.beginTransmission(address); Wire.write(startAddress >> 8); Wire.write(startAddress & 0xFF); uint16_t numberOfBytesToRead = bytesRemaining...
  2. D

    minimOSD impossible to update charset.

    After a mouth on the shelve my OSD stopped working. I took out the micro minimOSD, updated the firmware and everything works... But the charset is messed up. So I used MWOSD configurator V1.9.1.1 and connected the board, selected the standard font and clicked Upload, waited until it finished and...
  3. jbeuckm

    FPV Signal Path?

    My PDB has an LC filter and pads marked for Cam and VTX. I also have an Omnibus controller with video in and out for OSD. Should I plug the camera to OSD to LC filter or put the LC filter between camera and OSD? Cam->OSD->LC->VTX ...or... Cam->LC->OSD->VTX ?
  4. M

    Need an OSC Recommendation

    I am currently using a Naze32 and am looking for an OSD to put on the quad. I was thinking of either updating the FC since it seems to be outdated. So I am open to a recommendation of FC integrated with an OSD. I am limited in space in the center since I am using a 4 in 1 ESC which is taking a...
  5. Jack19087

    FC and VTX-OSD Setup

    Can someone help with wiring these three boards? I have the Inova Micro VTX-OSD video transmitter, the Seriously Pro Racing F3 Flight Controller and the Runcam Eagle camera. I can fly with my current setup but really don't understand the best setup for these three devices. I would love to get...
  6. Jay Rosenthal

    Fuzzy Integrated OSD and Video..

    I need help. :( More detail of the build is in the comments section of the first video. Joshua Bardwell is super busy and cannot help me. Any suggestions.would be much appreciated
  7. R

    Falcon 250 VTX swap for eachine TX526

    Hi. My first post here. I have a Eachine Falcon 250 with a broken vtx. I bought the tx526 from banggood as im allowed to use Max 25mw in my country. The new vtx has 5 cables in one connector whilst the old one had 6 cables over two connectors. Im stuck at how to connect the thing and the cc3d...