naze 32

  1. Yog Dharaskar

    F450 losing height.

    Hello everyone! I recently built a F450 with the following specifications: 1. A2212 - 1000KV BLDC Brushless Motor. 2. Mystery Cloud 30A BLDC ESC - Brushless Motor Speed Controller. 3. Naze32 REV6 flight controller with dRonin. 4. 3300mah 3s LiPo battery I used dRonin because its easy to...
  2. S

    Cleanflight Computer crashes

    Hey all! I’m a noob when it come to this stuff, and I have been struggling with this. I can get my computer to connect to my Naze32, but only for about 2seconds and it seems that it doesn’t do anything in response to my rotating and tilting the board. After those 2seconds, my monitor goes...
  3. T

    Naze32 for filming

    Hi, i just finished my first quadcopter build with a 10dof naze32. I know the naze32 is made for acrobatic flying not filming, but is it possible that if i let go of the sticks the quadcopter will stay pretty much in place? I am asking this, because i planned to do some filming with my quad, but...
  4. F

    Transfer to new frame uncuccessful

    I moved my working electronics to a new unbroken frame on my diy drone and now the naze32 board acts like it is arming but nothing happens and it blinks like it is unarmed when I move the quad. I can't figure out why.
  5. S

    Recommended Flight Controller

    Recently i built a small racing style drone and i have found that where i live is much to windy to actually have fun flying it as i spend most of my time fetching out of trees or fixing props. I have noticed that all of the high end pre-built quads have altitude and more importantly position...
  6. D

    Channel Mapping for FS-i6 Transmitter

    I have the FS-i6 transmitter and I am trying to map it in Cleanflight. I am having quite a lot of trouble. I have read many other forums, none of which have worked. Currently I am mapping like this: 4ARTE123 AND I have all of the channels reversed on my RX. This gets everything correct except...
  7. Jonnyr

    Another call for help: connecting turnigy 9x to naze32

    Hey everybody. I'm flying a fpv drone powered by a naze 32 flight controller. The transmittier is the turnigy 9x. My problem is that I cannot get aileron and elevon to work. I am able to use throttle, but that is it. I'm using baseflight to program the naze. Any solutions?
  8. Quadcopter102

    Acro Afro Naze32 rev5

    Having used CC3D and KK2.1.5 - I thought it wise to try the Naze32 - which seems more widely used. I can and have updated it and used Baseflight...BUT for the life of me.. I cannot get it to load into Cleanflight. It does not auto connect and a manual connect fails after 10 seconds. Using...