
  1. G

    No ground plate on my drone transmitter

    Hey I am pretty new to this forum and don't know much about it I just want to ask about the ground plate beside the antenna on the transmitter of toy drones i.e Syma X5C I planned to do a range mod on my drone transmitter as it has a very poor range While searching on youtube for range mods...
  2. WolverineMachine

    DM003 Mini Drone Flight Board Replacement

    After about 5 months of sitting on the shelf, I decided it's time to replace the damaged flight board on the DM003 by DAMING. I bought this on in April in order to enjoy it during the summer. But having being sidetracked, it took a back seat. Watch the video to see the outcome after...
  3. WolverineMachine

    DM003 Flight board Replacement Blunder!

    Well, I should have tried to bind it without the motors. There is nothing said better than follow your own steps. It cost me some time. Check out the video on me replacing the flight board on the DM003 Mini Drone.
  4. WolverineMachine

    JJRC/Eachine H8 Mini Battery Upgrade 1 view 0 0 SHARE

  5. Murph

    Linksys WRT54GS parts for transmitter range upgrade?

    I have an old Linksys WRT54GS Wi-Fi router that seems like it has the parts needed for a transmitter range upgrade, but I'm not entierly sure what order the parts should be in if I installed the antennas and extra cable to my transmitter. I am indeed a noob when it comes to quadcopters and...
  6. Don Thomas Boyle

    Syma x5c-1 Removing Stabilization?

    Firstly, sorry about the double post, the first one was accidentally placed in experimental I've not come across a single person anywhere asking to remove such features - only how to fix them. Question: I want to know if there is any way to remove the Gyro Stabilization (or whatever is...