mjx bugs 3

  1. Kingsy

    Broken MJX B3 Enigine

    Dear fellow flyers After a bad crash with our mjx bugs 3 the enige got unbalanced, is this fixable ? It landed semi head first on the propeller which now makes more sound and gives less power. There is a bit extra heat but no visible damages when we fly with this engine. I think the bearing is...
  2. Russelle KiFli

    MJX VS Contixo

    So I've decided to buy another drone for my action camera since the Syma's Camera is crappy and I just used it for training the basics since its cheap.So far the cheapest yet good quality quads I've heard about and choosing between is MJX Bugs 3 and Contixo F10.But which one is better for...
  3. Gadget Inspector

    Short Movie / Review of the MJX Bugs 3 - "The MJX Bugs 3 Experience" Part I

  4. Michael Mechelse

    MJX BUGS 3 REVIEW! Is there a better brushless quad for the money?

    I did a video review for this quadcopter that I got from Lightake. The cost is approx $100 with free shipping so I believe this is a ton of value here for a drone that is brushless and comes with a mount to carry a gopro or gopro clone, or you can fly as a decent sport flyer. Here's some of the...