
  1. agridronedesigner

    How to DIY a drone with 10KG load and total weight less than 25kg

    First you need to choose an ultra-light frame (such as E610M ) Matching power and propellers Flight control, GPS, receiver and remote control Then, depending on your needs, you can install siding, hanging tools, or the sprinkler system There is Newly frame design :
  2. Michael Mechelse

    AWESOME Night Flying Drone! JXD 399 Quadcopter

    Hey there thanks for taking a look. Here's a video review I made of this cool micro quadcopter. I'm super impressed how bright the LEDs are and the design of it also helps protect the prop blades. Great for flying at night time and flight time was over 7mins. Lots of fun!
  3. Michael Mechelse

    MJX BUGS 3 REVIEW! Is there a better brushless quad for the money?

    I did a video review for this quadcopter that I got from Lightake. The cost is approx $100 with free shipping so I believe this is a ton of value here for a drone that is brushless and comes with a mount to carry a gopro or gopro clone, or you can fly as a decent sport flyer. Here's some of the...
  4. Michael Mechelse

    XK X250 Alien Mini Review

    Here's a mini review on a pretty cool quadcopter. XK Alien comes in several forms: 1) without camera 2) onboard camera or 3) FPV camera system The model I received was sent to me from for an independent review. I did a video review on my youtube channel about this quad and I'm...