landing gear

  1. MonGen

    For those of you who use drones for photography, a question

    How big of an issue is stability? And if it is an issue, would you rather have your drone be more stable while flying or more have the ability to stabilize by latching onto a wall? How much of a role does cost play in your decision-making? I'm in an entrepreneurship class as part of my summer...
  2. PlateauPro

    Drone Landing Pads

    Anyone interested in Landing Pads for their drones? I make 2', 2.5' and 3' vinyl landing pads starting at $45. Custom images added for just $10 more. All four edges are hemmed with grommets in the corners for securing with your tent stakes, rope or bungee cords. Use this drone landing pad to...
  3. BevsterUK

    Landing gear for Syma X8C with Xiaomi Yi...?

    Hello, I'm new to the hobby and to this forum. I have bought a Syma X8C and attached a Xiaomi Yi action cam to it. The quad can handle the weight pretty well and the footage from the camera is amazing but I'm struggling to find any landing gear that I can use where the legs aren't in view! I...