kk2.1.5 issue

  1. M

    Quad won't take off, KK2.1.5 browning out? Help

    Hi, I have a small 250 quad with Afro 12A bec ESC flashed with BLHeli. I have a KK2.1.5 FC flashed with Steveis 1.19S1 Pro. Whenever I try to take off the quad never leaves the ground and at some point of throttle the board shuts off like it browns out or something. Would anyone have any ideas...
  2. S

    KK2.1.5 FCB Stops all motors mid flight and emits steady tone

    I just built my first quad. NTM 28-26 12ooKV 3x Turingy Multistar 30A ESC (Opto) 1x Turing Multistar 30A ESC (SBEC) KK2.1.5 Flight Controller Quantum I8 Transmitter and Receiver At seemingly random intervals during flight, the quad literally drops out of the sky and emits a steady tone. It is...