
  1. M

    Quad won't take off, KK2.1.5 browning out? Help

    Hi, I have a small 250 quad with Afro 12A bec ESC flashed with BLHeli. I have a KK2.1.5 FC flashed with Steveis 1.19S1 Pro. Whenever I try to take off the quad never leaves the ground and at some point of throttle the board shuts off like it browns out or something. Would anyone have any ideas...
  2. Zoe

    Please help Soon!

    I need help, with my diy quadcopter I am building it based off of this instructable: https://www.instructables.com/id/The-Ultimate-PVC-Quadcopter/?ALLSTEPS Here are the main parts I am using: -fly sky fs-ct6b reciever and transmitter – kk2.1.5 flight controller – 20 a Simone escs – 980 kv...
  3. sidaqdeep1

    Quadcopter not changing to armed mode

    Hi, I'm a newbie and am making my first quad. I did everything right (I think) and made it to start. The first problem I came across was that I was unable to change it to armed mode. I have a Hobbyking KK 2.1.5 lcd board. All the sensors are OK and it says OK on startup screen. I even calibrated...
  4. O

    Need Parts/ Calibration Advice-X650f Build

    I cannot get my quadcopter to lift off, not sure if i need different motors? Need some suggestions, based on my quad build: HobbyKing X650f frame kk2.1 flight controller Q Brain 4 x 25A ESC (modified the wiring to meet the layout of the kk2.1 controller) 4 x NTM Prop Drive 28-26 1000kv/235w...
  5. O

    HK X650f Quadcopter - Flight Issues

    I decided to build a quadcopter in my spare time... after 'completion' I decided to test it out, but it would not lift off. Need some suggestions, based on my quad build: HobbyKing X650f frame kk2.1 flight controller Q Brain 4 x 25A ESC (modified the wiring to meet the layout of the kk2.1...
  6. DIY Drone

    MCD is proud to present our new storefront.

    We have had our web store front open now for 2 weeks and we are proud to say we are very happy with our new customers who bought from us. In celebration we have lowered our prices on all of our 3D printed parts. Come and visit us and see what we can make, design, or create for you with our...
  7. S

    F330 Quadcopter Help

    I have assembled a F330 quadcopter. But when I start flying it, I get a weird problem. When I give it a little throttle and keep it there, the propeller speeds doesn't stay the same. The increase, every propeller in different rates and then suddenly go crazy. I have tried 2 flight controllers...
  8. P

    Selling my kk board and hobbyking transmitter for cheap

    kk 2.1.5 https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/262414235585 Hobbyking tx and rx https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/262414266711 Both work brand new Also have 5 30a escs and 4 1000kv brushless motors I can sell for cheap too. Lemme know
  9. Gabriel

    Trouble with Arduino + Leap motion - controlled quad

    Hi. I'm trying to use my arduino and leap motion controller to control my quad. I've attached the arduino to my kk2 flight controller so that it can output signals to the kk2. Currently, I'm just trying to adjust the throttle signal to the quad based on the output from the leap motion. My...
  10. A

    Problems with kk2.1.5 and sk450 frame

    Hi, I was using a kk2.1.5 board, 30a escs, 6 channel skeptic my receiver, sk450 frame and I had some problems. After a lot of setting up, my quad finally flew, but there was a lot of problems, sometimes it was very slow to response, and then very fast, almost flipping over, it would never take...