kakute f4 v

  1. A

    Stack for: Holybro Kakute F4 AIO V2?

    I'm choosing parts for my first build, and I like the Holybro Kakute F4. I'm confused about the product combination to buy. Should I get: Kakute F4 V2 AIO (holybro product/51) Comes with PDB, unlike the Kakute F4 V2 (holybro product/50) Tekko32 4-in-1 35A ESC (holybro product/54) One unit...
  2. Jack19087

    Buzzer Clicks, does not Beep

    I have the Holybro Kakute F4 AIO Flight Controller and I'm having issues with the buzzer feature. I have a buzzer that when provided 5v from a power supply it buzzes as expected. However after soldering to the BUZ pads on the Kakute FC the buzzer simply clicks when activated. I've setup my...
  3. S

    Fight Controller Wiring w/ Camera

    I am having a great deal of trouble wiring this flight controller. It seems many forums and videos show people not using the full functionality of the boards or not using the same parts I have chosen. I am using a Foxeer Predator Mini with a Kakute F4 V2. I understand the connection with the...