
  1. MinnesotaUAV

    Professional Tornado H920 drone new in box with GB603 Gimbal

    This is a new in the box professional hex. RTF Drone UAV new still in the box tornado h920 and gb603 gimbal. works with Panasonic gh4 camera... Professional HEXcopter. retail for $4999.00 "camera not included" will sell for $4780.00
  2. M

    FS brand new Tarot 680 Pro HexaCopter folding carbon frame + extras

    Just before Christmas I bought for £80 a brand new Tarot 680 Pro hex folding carbon fibre frame and £30 worth of arms extensions for larger props and some spare plastic parts. Total cost £110. http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=62739 I have not just picked up...