
  1. Raincast

    Quick Tips for Capturing Great Autumn Photos/Videos

    Link Here: Hello, Fall season is here and so I've compiled some TIPS for capturing the season with your drones! I quickly talk about PL filters, LUTS, birds, sensors and trees in the link below so feel free to ask for any specifics. I hope you find...
  2. Raincast

    Comprehensive Drone TRAVEL Guide/Tips

    Hello fellow flyers! I just finished a light-hearted guide when it comes to travelling with your drone. I split the tips into phases such as preparation, pre-flight and flight just to organize the content a bit better. Feel free to input your own advice so those who are looking to travel may...
  3. Raincast

    Travel With Drone Guide/Tips, Comprehensive

    Hi drone enthusiasts! I just made a short-ish light-hearted guide when it comes to travelling and shooting with your drone. I decided to split the tips into phases such as preparation, pre-flight and flight to make the content more readily digestable. Feel free to share your own tips and...
  4. U

    ND Filters - Everything you need to know about it.

    Hello Everybody I want to share with you my guide about ND Filters because I think it will be helpful especially for the beginners in this forum. Feedback is very much appreciated!
  5. Mike1004

    Drone Buying Guide - The Ultimate List (Beginner/Camera/FPV drones)

    Hello everybody! Browsing drone forums and facebook groups, I keep seeing threads with questions such as "Buying a new drone, what should I get?", so I think this buying guide would be greatly beneficial for everybody who's currently on the fence about what drone to get. Inside you'll find...
  6. burky39

    Smya X8G Highly Updated and Improved User Manual

    I just acquired my first drone (a Smya X8G) but was initially stumped by the terrible User Manual that had incoherent English, incorrect information, and major pieces of missing information (like it was critical that the props be placed on the right motor shafts!) I have spent the better part...