
  1. S

    How to use the 5th or 6th channel on FlySky FS-T6 transmitter/receiver

    Here is a link to the transmitter / reciever I am using: https://www.amazon.com/GoolRC-FS-T6-Proportional-Transmitter-Receiver/dp/B016D91CN0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1479264583&sr=8-2&keywords=flysky+transmitter I want to use the following toggle switch on a spare channel (channel 5 or 6, since...
  2. S

    How to assign a toggle switch to a channel on reciever

    I am using a Fly Sky FS-T6 transmitter /reciever. 4 of the channels are being used for the 4 motors. I want to use a 5th channel to turn an electromagnet on and off. So, in theory, I want to be able to flip a switch on the transmitter and have it toggle the electromagnet on or off. The...
  3. I

    Transmitter setup problems (random movement), please help!

    My first build is a 250 with a CC3D flight controller and a FS-t6 transmitter/corresponding receiver. I have been able to successfully calibrate the quad using the libre pilot software. However once i get to the transmitter setup wizard i cant successfully setup the transmitter. The software...