fs i6s

  1. GuardianVex

    Receiver bound but no response to input

    I am a newbie in the quad realm , and have learned a lot but now I am facing a huge problem , I have bound my X6B receiver to a FS I6 transmitter and my FC is sp racing evo f3 brushed , but I cant get any motors to respond , I tried my to check in the receiver tab on both cleanflight and...
  2. freebles

    Arris x220 , newb needs esc sync advice

    hey folks I'm new to the hobby and to this site!so, Hola! Konichiwa! Hello! im having issues getting this Arris x220 pro. off the ground for the first time. it seems motor 1 wants to spin at 2000 and every other motor goes to maybe 1400-1500 i need 2 more posts before i can post the link to...